The first species described from the Bay of Villefranche - Koellikerina fasciculata
The ctenophore described by Péron and Lesueur in 1810.
Date : 11/11/2014
Affichages : 4750
Lesueur 1813
Claude Lesueur described the large ctenophore Cestum veneris (F.1) also known as the Venus belt, and the small pteropod Cavolina inflexa (F.3) in 1813.
Date : 11/11/2014
Affichages : 4122
Plate 38 from Verany's monograph
Loligopsis veranii now known as Chiroteuthis veranii (Férussac, 1834)
Date : 18/02/2019
Affichages : 2919
Plate 19 from Verany's Monograph
Histioteuthis bonelliana now known as Histioteuthis bonnellii (Férussac, 1834)
Date : 18/02/2019
Affichages : 3052
Haeckel Plate 54 Gamochonia
Heackel's Octopus plate from "Kunstformen der Natur" (known in English as Art Forms in Nature). Two of the 5 (#'s 1 & 2) are Vernay's discoversies formally described by Férussac.1) Chiroteuthis Veranyi (Férussac 1835) = Chiroteuthis verany
Date : 30/03/2019
Affichages : 2895
The siphonophore Halistemma rubrum
Halistemma rubrum was first found in the Bay of Villefranche by Carl Vogt. The description was published in 1852.
Date : 11/11/2014
Affichages : 4584
Thalasicolla morum by Müller
The radiolarian Thaliscolla morum described by Johannes Müller. Image from Müller 1858.
Date : 26/10/2018
Affichages : 3046
Spongosphaera streptacantha (Haeckel 1861)
Date : 30/03/2019
Affichages : 2987
Mitrocoma Annae from Haeckel, 1879.
Mitrocoma annae found by Ernst Haeckel in Villefranche in April 1864, named after after his first wife, Anna, who had recently died.
Date : 25/10/2018
Affichages : 3087
Haeckel 1865 Tafel
Ernst Haeckel's stay in Villefranche in March-April 1864 allowed him make observations on living cells. This plate is from "Ueber den Sarcodekörper der Rhizopoden" (1865). New species shown Actinelius purpureus (fig. 4) and Cyrtidosphaera echino
Date : 26/03/2019
Affichages : 3113
Carmarina hastata by Ernst Haeckel (1864)
Ernst Haeckel's first published illustration of a medusa was a species he called Carmarina hastata he found in Nice.
Date : 21/09/2019
Affichages : 2758
Tintinnid Species Discovered in Villefranche by Hermann Fol
Date : 14/08/2011
Affichages : 4802
Codonaria cistellula
Date : 14/08/2011
Affichages : 4553
Rhabdonella spiralis
Date : 14/08/2011
Affichages : 4795
Petalotricha ampulla
Date : 14/08/2011
Affichages : 4618
Tintinnopsis nucula
Date : 27/08/2011
Affichages : 4744
Codonella aspera
Date : 27/08/2011
Affichages : 5017
Peragallo 1888 Plate2 (negative version)
From the first article on phytoplankton of the Bay of Villefranche. Hippolyte Peragallo published in 1888 "Diatomées de la baie de Villefranche (Alpes-Maritimes)". Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 22: 1-99. Available @
Date : 06/06/2014
Affichages : 4449
Lesueur named fish for Risso
"Ce Calliouyme, dont la longueur totale n'excède pas six centimètres,a été trouvé par M. Lesueur sur les rivages de Nice. Il paraît que M. Risso, auquel il a été dédié, ne l'a pas connu."
Date : 31/05/2020
Affichages : 2477
Maurice Bedot described Agalma clausi in 1892.
Date : 17/11/2023
Affichages : 1190
Perzella pneumodermopsidis Trégouboff 1916
The ciliate Perezlla pneumodermopsidis, a parasite of the pteropod Pneumodermopsis ciliatum, described by G. Trégouboff in 1916. Longest dimension of trophont cell (a) about 50 µm.
Date : 17/11/2023
Affichages : 1149
Rhizosolenia stolterfothii Pergallo 1888
Date : 21/11/2023
Affichages : 1278