Ceratium (Tripos) ranipipes using its fingers
Date : 28/08/2024
Affichages : 386
Plate 19
Plate 19 from Claparède, E.Lachmann, J. Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhizopodes.
Date : 04/12/2022
Affichages : 2733
Plate 20
Plate 20 from Claparède, E.Lachmann, J. Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhizopodes.
Date : 04/12/2022
Affichages : 2184
Plate 13 (part 2)
PPlate 13 (part 2) from Claparède, E.Lachmann, J. Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhizopodes.
Date : 04/12/2022
Affichages : 2089
"Warm-water Peridinians" from Carl Chun's book on the Valdiva Expedition 1898-1899
Date : 17/04/2011
Affichages : 7284
Peridinea from Ernst Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur
Date : 17/04/2011
Affichages : 6260
Paul Gourret, "éleve du laboratoire de zoologie marine", 1883, Plate 3
Plate 3: Gourret, P. 1883. Sur les Péridiniens du Golfe de Marseille. Annales du Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille - Zoologie, 1, Mémoire n°8.
Date : 21/09/2018
Affichages : 3945
Plate from Kofoid & Skogsberg 1928
Plate 23 from Kofoid and Skogsberg 1928. Fig 1 Histioneis hippoperoides; Fig. 2 Histioneis pulchra; Fig. 3 Histioneis hippoperoides; Fig. 4 Histioneis josephinae.
Date : 19/07/2018
Affichages : 4084
Histioneis highley
A species named for the scientific illustrator who drew the description drawing and engraved the plate.
Date : 14/01/2019
Affichages : 3805
Paul Gourret
Paul Gourret (author of Marseille Dinoflagellates)
Date : 21/09/2018
Affichages : 3878
Enrique Balech by Balech
Auto Portrait by Enrique Balech.
Date : 27/07/2022
Affichages : 2050
The book plate of C. A. Kofoid
Date : 30/11/2010
Affichages : 6000
Kofoid Desk Mess
Charles A. Kofoid at his desk
Date : 31/07/2022
Affichages : 2173
Album : Images of species of Amphisolenia
Images of species of Amphisolinea
Date : 12/09/2021
Taille : 20 éléments
Affichages : 4154
Album : Images of species of Ceratium
Ceratium is a genus of autotrophic dinoflagellates-. They are part of the phytoplankton- microscopic plants.
Date : 12/05/2009
Taille : 51 éléments
Affichages : 33173
Balechina coerula (syn Gymnodinium coeruleum)
Date : 20/09/2012
Affichages : 4580
Brachidinium capitatum (F.J.R. Taylor 1963)
From Point C at 250 m on May 22 2017
Date : 23/05/2017
Affichages : 2846
Tiny Eiffel Tower
A Brachidinium species (according to Fernando Gomez) from a sample taken at 250 m depth on June 25, 2024, Point C, Villefranche.
Date : 29/06/2024
Affichages : 473
want to say Ceratocorys horrida
Ceratocorys species from October 2013, Bay of Villefranche.
Date : 24/04/2014
Affichages : 4645
newly divided Ceratocorys gouretii
Newly divided cell of Ceratocorys gourretii from Tara Pacific Station 113, surface pumped sample.
Date : 04/05/2019
Affichages : 3411
Ceratocorys sp.
Date : 04/11/2010
Affichages : 5730
Citharistes apsteini
Citharistes apsteinii from the South Pacific, Outpace CTD 159, bottles 9 & 7.
Date : 01/10/2015
Affichages : 4579
Cladopyxis sp.
Date : 07/12/2010
Affichages : 5759
Cladopyxis brachiolata
Cladopyxis brachiolata from a sample taken at Point C at 30 m depth on July 24 2018
Date : 13/08/2018
Affichages : 3840
Cladopyxis caryophyllum
Cladopyxis caryophllum (Kofoid 1907) from Point C at 30 m depth on October 23 2018.
Date : 25/10/2018
Affichages : 3654
Cladopyxis hemibrachchiata
Cladopyxis hemibrachiata Balech 1964 from 250 m depth on July 31st 2023
Date : 16/08/2023
Affichages : 1852
Cladopyxis by Ehrenberg 1837
One of the plates from C.G. Ehrenberg's description of protists (including dinoflagellates) from fossil deposits. The first depiction of the organisms now known as Cladopyxis as a 'Xanthidium'
Date : 06/04/2013
Affichages : 5231
An obscure little dinoflagellate with an apparent preference for deep water. Seen in a sample taken on Feb 19 2019.
Date : 21/02/2019
Affichages : 3545
The obscure little dinoflagellate with an apparent preference for deep water, second cell from a sample taken on Feb 19 2019at 250 m.
Date : 21/02/2019
Affichages : 3629
Album : Images of species of Dinophysis
Images of species of Dinophysis
Date : 12/09/2021
Taille : 13 éléments
Affichages : 3533
Album : Images of Gyrodinium species
Images of Gyrodinium species
Date : 12/09/2021
Taille : 8 éléments
Affichages : 3005
Phalacroma doryphorum
Phalacroma doryphorum from the Bay of Villefranche in May 2014. Lugol's-fixed specimen, z-stack of images made using a 40x objective & DIC optics.
Date : 24/07/2014
Affichages : 4944
Katodinium glaucum from Nov in 2013
Lugol's fixed specimen from the Bay of Villefranche. Inset are the sketches of live specimens from Marie Lebour's 1917 description then as Gyrodinium glaucum.
Date : 12/04/2014
Affichages : 5285
Heterodinium sp.
Heterodinium sp. from the South Pacific (Outpace Cruise phytoplankton net 18).
Date : 04/02/2016
Affichages : 4286
Heterodinium extremum
Heterodinium extremum from the South Pacific (Outpace cruise CTD 159, Bottle 6 -120 m depth)
Date : 29/09/2015
Affichages : 4214
Heterodinium mediocre
Heterodinium mediocre from CTD 176 of the Outpace Cruise in the South Pacific.
Date : 14/09/2015
Affichages : 4354
Heterodinium pavillardi
Heterodinium pavillardi found in a sample from 250 m depth. The cell is 105 um in longest dimension
Date : 11/04/2023
Affichages : 1909
Ornithocercus magnificus - a Pair
From a depp (275-225m) net tow on December 02, 2020.
Date : 06/12/2020
Affichages : 3421
Album : Histioneis a genus of heterotrophic dinoflagellates
Date : 20/06/2015
Taille : 25 éléments
Affichages : 15091
Ornithocercus magnificus
Ornithocercus magnificus from the Bay of Villefranche on Feb 18th 2014. The little orange balls are symbiotic cyanobacteria. Lugol's-fixed specimen, Z-stack of images made using a 40x objective and DIC optics.
Date : 14/03/2014
Affichages : 4761
Ornithocercus magnificus - a heterotrotrophic dinoflagellate
Date : 08/04/2009
Affichages : 5069
Ornithocercus magnificus
Composite image showing symbiont autofluorescence
Date : 19/06/2020
Affichages : 2767
Ornithocercus sp
Date : 25/05/2011
Affichages : 4881
Ornithocercus splendidus
Date : 09/12/2010
Affichages : 5487
Schütt's splendid Ornitherocercas
He thought it splendid. Figures from the original description of Ornitheroceras splendidus by Franz Schütt in 1893. The paper is available on the Classic Taxonomic Monographs page.
Date : 30/03/2013
Affichages : 4807
Ornithocercus heteroporus (probably)
Ornithorcercus heteroporus (probably) from Station 72 of the Tara Oceans Expedition
Date : 07/01/2013
Affichages : 4956
Oxytoxum constrictum
Date : 03/04/2009
Affichages : 5399
A small dinoflagellate from Station 64
Oxytoxum nanum
Date : 03/01/2013
Affichages : 4565
A Corythodinium sp. from 250 m depth at Pt C on April 17, 2023
Date : 18/04/2023
Affichages : 1919
Tiny Sea Star: Pentaster of the gymnodinid species Actiniscus pentasterias from the Arctic Chukchi Sea.
Date : 31/01/2013
Affichages : 4732
Phalocroma parvulum
From the subtropical Pacific, Tara Pacific Station 103, surface pumped sample.
Date : 04/05/2019
Affichages : 3755
A chain of Peridiniella catenata
From the Arctic in 2017- Lugol's-fixed Perideniella catentata
Date : 04/05/2018
Affichages : 3496
Podolampas spinerfera, a heterotrophic dinoflagellate
From a sample taken on Feb. 7, 2018.
Date : 29/09/2018
Affichages : 3164
Podolampas spinifera
Podolampas spinifera (Okamura 1912) from the Atlantic near the Azores (Tara Pacific St 11).
Date : 27/07/2016
Affichages : 4133
Polykrikos kofoidi
From the Etang de Thau, lugol's-fixed specimen
Date : 15/10/2012
Affichages : 4930
Polykrikos kofoidi
Date : 19/10/2012
Affichages : 4600
Polykrikos kofoidi with is prey Protoperidinium diabolus
Date : 24/11/2012
Affichages : 4889
Prorocentrum arcuatum
Date : 15/10/2015
Affichages : 4534
Prorocentrum micans
From the Bay of Villefranche on April 8 2014
Date : 11/04/2014
Affichages : 4653
Pronoctiluca rostrata (Taylor 1976)
Heterotrophic dinoflagellate frequently found in deep water. Specimen from a Pt C sample taken on July 24 2018 (250 m)
Date : 26/07/2018
Affichages : 3502
Pronoctiluca spinifera
From a sample taken at 250m depth on July 24 2018.
Date : 26/07/2018
Affichages : 3818
Album : Images of species of Protoperidinium
Images of species of Protoperidinium
Date : 12/09/2021
Taille : 9 éléments
Affichages : 3042
Pyrocystis hamulus var. semicirculus
Date : 07/11/2015
Affichages : 4290
Pyrocystis hamulus var. semicirculus
Pyrocystis hamulus var. semicirculus from Outpace cruise phytoplankton net tow 13
Date : 31/08/2019
Affichages : 3326
Pyrocystis lunula
Date : 03/04/2009
Affichages : 9115
Pyrocytis lunula from the Bay of Villefranche
Live cell from Pt B on April 17 2018
Date : 18/04/2018
Affichages : 3699
Pyrophacus species. Large cell showing the hypotheca (bottom), smaller cell in inset showing a side-view. Both might be cyst-forms as the cytoplasm should not be just a small brown ball.
Date : 29/01/2014
Affichages : 8438
Triposolenia bicornis with endosymbionts
Date : 25/10/2017
Affichages : 3741
Triposolenia bicornis
Triposolenia bicornis from the South Pacific (Outpace station C, phyto net 28)
Date : 03/11/2015
Affichages : 4414
Triplosolenia bicornis from 250m on May 2 2017
Date : 04/05/2017
Affichages : 3961
Triposolenia bicornis
From Point C 250 m depth on June 26 2018
Date : 07/07/2018
Affichages : 4693