Histioneis biremis (Stein 1883)
From Tara Pacific Station 81 (Equatorial Pacific) from a pumped surface sample.
Date : 04/05/2019
Affichages : 2609
Histionesis carinata (Kofoid 1907)
From Tara Pacific Station 104 suface water pumped sample.
Date : 04/05/2019
Affichages : 1891
Histioneis dolon (Murray & Whitting 1899)
Histioneis dolon (Murray & Whitting 1899) from Tara Pacific Station 40.
Date : 08/06/2019
Affichages : 1969
Histioneis elongata (Kofoid & Michener 1911)
Histioneis elongata from the South Pacific, Tara station 111. Lugol's-fixed specimen, z-stack of images made using a 40x objective & DIC optics.
Date : 30/01/2014
Affichages : 3117
Histioneis gubernans (Schütt 1895)
Histioneis gubernans (Schûtt 1895) found in sample taken on Feb. 17 2007 from 30 m depth at Point C, Villefranche-sur-Mer.
Date : 10/08/2020
Affichages : 1665
Histioneis isselii
Histioneis isselii (probably). Specimen from the Indian Ocean, Station 45 of the Tara Oceans Expedition. Z-stack of images made using a 40x objective and DIC optics.
Date : 06/04/2015
Affichages : 3083
Histioneis longicollis
Histioneis longicollis from Tara Oceans Expedition station 41 in the Indian Ocean.
Date : 03/06/2015
Affichages : 3150
Histioneis isselii (probably)
Histioneis isselii (probably) from the Aegean Sea sampled during the Tara Oceans Expedition.
Date : 13/06/2015
Affichages : 2774
Histioneis megalocopa
From Tara Pacific Station 143
Date : 25/05/2019
Affichages : 1935
Histioneis milneri
Histioneis milneri from Tara Oceans Expedition station 41 in the Indian Ocean.
Date : 03/06/2015
Affichages : 2897
Histioneis mitchellana (Murray & Whitting 1899)
From Tara Pacific Station 108, surface pumped sample.
Date : 04/05/2019
Affichages : 1977
Histioneis mitchellana (Murray & Whitting 1899)
From Tara Pacific Station 131
Date : 22/05/2019
Affichages : 1840
Histioneis mitchellana (Murray & Whitting 1899)
Histioneis mitchellana (Murray & Whitting 1899) from TaraPacific Station 40.
Date : 08/06/2019
Affichages : 1815
Histioneis pieltainii
Histioneis pieltainii (probably) from station 32 (Red Sea) of the Tara Oceans Expedition
Date : 31/01/2014
Affichages : 2901
Histioneis pulchra
Histioneis pulchra (probably) from the Tara Oceans Expedition station 111 in the South Pacific.
Date : 31/01/2014
Affichages : 3008
Histioneis schilleri
Histioneis schilleri from station 124 of the Tara Oceans Expedition near the Marquise Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. Imaged using a 40 x objective & DIC optics.
Date : 01/06/2015
Affichages : 2884
Histioneis varians
Histioneis varians from the Tara Oceans Expedition station 139
Date : 20/06/2015
Affichages : 2827
Histioneis sp. maybe longicollis
Histioneis from the South Pacific (Outpace CTD 194, bot #5)
Date : 21/10/2015
Affichages : 2641
Histionteis sp. from near surface of the Tropical Atlantic
Histioneis sp. from the tropical Atlantic (Tara Pacific Expedition St 23).
Date : 27/07/2016
Affichages : 2851
Dinky Histioneis
A tiny Histioneis from the surface layer near the Azores (Tara Pacific Expedition St 8)
Date : 27/07/2016
Affichages : 2706
Histioneis showing symbionts
From Point C on Jan 6 2017 at 30 m depth
Date : 16/01/2017
Affichages : 2714
Histioneis pulchra
"living Colors of Histioneis pulchra" from Kofoid & Skovsberg 1928
Date : 20/07/2018
Affichages : 2060
Symbionts escaping! From Point C at 30 m depth on June 30 2018
Date : 12/08/2018
Affichages : 1977
Histioneis sp.
From Tara Oceans Expedition St 124 in the South Pacific Ocean
Date : 20/06/2015
Affichages : 2712
Histioneis sp.
Histioneis hyalina (probably). From Station 52 of the Tara Oceans Expedition
Date : 22/01/2013
Affichages : 3661