OUTPACE Microplankton
Images of Microplankton from the South Pacific sampled during the OUTPACE CRUISE https://outpace.mio.univ-amu.fr/
Date : 18/08/2015
Affichages : 6372
Trichodesmium tuft
Trichodesmium THE phytoplankter of the Outpace cruise. Specimen from Ouptace CTD 110 (Station B)
Date : 16/11/2015
Affichages : 4491
A tiny oligotrich ciliate
A tiny strombid oligotrich found in the South Pacific, Outpace CTD 159, Bottle #9
Date : 07/08/2015
Affichages : 4517
Coscinodiscus reniformis (Castracane) 1886
Described from material gathered during the Challenger Expedition. Specimen from Outpace Cruise Phytoplankton Net Tow 13
Date : 04/09/2019
Affichages : 3333
Climacodium (diatom)
Climacodium sp. from the South Pacific (Outpace St B).
Date : 12/07/2015
Affichages : 4648
Diatom Odd Couples
Date : 23/10/2015
Affichages : 4381
Ceratium vultur
Specimen from the South Pacific Outpace phyto net sample 23, St C.
Date : 23/01/2016
Affichages : 4393
The dinoflagellate Dinophysis scheuttii (Murray & Whitting 1899)
Dinophysis scheuttii from the South Pacific, Outpace CTD 176, St C.
Date : 30/07/2015
Affichages : 4577
Heterodinium mediocre
Heterodinium mediocre from CTD 176 (St C) of the Outpace Cruise in the South Pacific.
Date : 14/09/2015
Affichages : 4115
Heterodinium extremum
Heterodinium extremum from the South Pacific (Outpace cruise CTD 159, Bottle 6 -120 m depth)
Date : 29/09/2015
Affichages : 4174
Heterodinium sp.
Heterodinium sp. from the South Pacific (Outpace Cruise phytoplankton net 18).
Date : 04/02/2016
Affichages : 4270
Histioneis sp. maybe longicollis
Histioneis from the South Pacific (Outpace St C, CTD 194, bot #5)
Date : 21/10/2015
Affichages : 4145
Amphisolenia thrinax (dinoflagellate)
From the South Pacific, Outpace CTD 146, St B
Date : 10/08/2015
Affichages : 4291
Amphisolenia thrinax
Date : 15/10/2015
Affichages : 4307
Amphisolenia quinquecauda
Amphisolenia quinquecauda from the South Pacific (Outpace ST SD-14, phyto net 28).
Date : 04/11/2015
Affichages : 4292
Citharistes apsteini
Citharistes apsteinii from the South Pacific, Outpace St C, CTD 159, bottles 9 & 7.
Date : 01/10/2015
Affichages : 4027
Pyrocystis hamulus var. semicirculus
Date : 07/11/2015
Affichages : 4229
Pyrocystis hamulus var. semicirculus
Pyrocystis hamulus var. semicirculus from Outpace cruise phytoplankton net tow 13
Date : 31/08/2019
Affichages : 3050
Triposolenia bicornis
Triposolenia bicornis from the South Pacific (Outpace station C, phyto net 28)
Date : 03/11/2015
Affichages : 4134
Prorocentrum arcuatum
Date : 15/10/2015
Affichages : 4047
Pterosperma moebii
From the South Pacific Pterosperma Moebii, Outpace ST C, CTD 159, Bottle # 7
Date : 09/08/2015
Affichages : 4381
An Acantharian from the South Pacific
Date : 24/10/2015
Affichages : 3947
Awaiting Identification!
Date : 14/11/2015
Affichages : 4202
Spiny Guy Pterocanium sp.
Spiny Guy from the Outpace Cruise St C CTD 176, Bottle 15 (South Pacific Ocean).
Date : 14/09/2015
Affichages : 3967
radiolarian Zygocircus productus (Hertwig, 1879)
Zygocircus productus (Hertwig, 1879)
Date : 14/07/2015
Affichages : 3959
Zygocircus sp.
Zygocircus sp. from the South Pacific (Outpace St C, CTD 176, bottle 20)
Date : 27/09/2015
Affichages : 3805
Zygocircus sp.?
Zygocircus sp. from Outpace Cruise Phytoplankton Net Tow 13
Date : 31/08/2019
Affichages : 3032
radiolarian Permomelissa or Dimelissa thoracites (Haeckel). [Lophophaenidae] Formerly known as Lithomelissa thoracites
From The South Pacific, OUTPACE cruise St A, CTD # 51
Date : 14/07/2015
Affichages : 3962
Callimitra sp.
Callimitra sp. from the South Pacific Ocean (Outpace Cruise St C, CTD 176, bottle 22).
Date : 24/09/2015
Affichages : 3965
Sethophormis aurelia (Haeckel 1887)
Radiolarian from the South Pacific (Outpace St C, CTD 194 bottle 24).
Date : 17/10/2015
Affichages : 4374
Theophormis callipilium
Date : 04/11/2015
Affichages : 4097
Acanthodesmia vinculata
Date : 24/10/2015
Affichages : 4046
a radiolarian Zygocircus sp.
From the OUTPACE Cruise, St B, CTD 146, Bottle #11 (South Pacific)
Date : 19/08/2015
Affichages : 3865
Archiperidium hystrix (also known as Peridium hystrix and Phormacantha hystrix)
Archiperidium hystrix (also known as Peridium hystrix and Phormacantha hystrix) from the South Pacific, Outpace CTD146 bottle 1.
Date : 27/09/2015
Affichages : 4014
Dictyocoryne sp (Spumellarian radiolarian)
Date : 24/10/2015
Affichages : 4054
Conchidium caudatum
Conchidium caudatum (Haeckel 1887) from Outpace cruise phytoplankton net 13.
Date : 30/08/2019
Affichages : 3386
Tiny Amphorelops sp.
Amphorellopsis sp. from St A, CTD 51 of the OUTPACE Cruise.
Date : 26/07/2015
Affichages : 4040
Amporellopsis acantharus
Amphorellopsis acantharus (Kofoid & Campbell 1929). Specimen from the South Pacific, OUTPACE cruise St A, CTD 51.
Date : 26/07/2015
Affichages : 3843
Canthariella prymidata
Canthareilla pyrimidata from the South Pacific, Outpace St A, CTD 51.
Date : 14/07/2015
Affichages : 3740
Small Canthareilla species
From the South Pacific, Outpace St C, CTD 159, bottle #7
Date : 09/08/2015
Affichages : 4037
Codonella apicata (Kofoid & Campbell 1929)
From the South Pacific, Outpace St C, CTD 176
Date : 01/08/2015
Affichages : 4112
Epiplocylis undella
From OUTPACE St A, CTD 51 in the South Pacific
Date : 26/07/2015
Affichages : 3834
Eutintinnus haslae (Taniguchi & Hada 1981)
From the South Pacific, Outpace St C, CTD 176
Date : 01/08/2015
Affichages : 3852
Eutintnnus pinguis (Kofoid & Campbell 1929)
Date : 01/08/2015
Affichages : 9750
Tiny Eutintinnus Outpace St A, ctd51 bot1
Date : 26/07/2015
Affichages : 4120
Skinny Medium Eutintinnus sp
LOD of 18 microns, from the South Pacific, Outpace St B, CTD 146, bottle #9
Date : 02/08/2015
Affichages : 3934
Protorhabdonella mira
From the South Pacifi, Outpace St B, CTD146, Bottle #7
Date : 09/08/2015
Affichages : 4024
Protorhabdonella simplex
From OUTPACE St A, CTD 51 in the South Pacific
Date : 26/07/2015
Affichages : 4052
Ormosella apsteini (Kofoid & Campbell 1929)
Ormosella apsteini from the South Pacific, Outpace St C, CTD 176.
Date : 30/07/2015
Affichages : 3875
Salpingella rotundata (Kofoid & Campbell 1929)
From the South Pacific, Outpace St C, CTD 176
Date : 01/08/2015
Affichages : 3828
Xystonellopsis cyclas (Kofoid & Campbell 1929)
From the South Pacific, Outpace St C, CTD 176
Date : 01/08/2015
Affichages : 4220
Xstonsellopsis krämeri
Xstonsellopsis krämeri from the South Pacific. Outpace St SD-15, Phyto net tow 22. One of the largest tintinnid species- the specimen measures 536 microns long.
Date : 31/07/2015
Affichages : 3778
Poroecus apliculatus
Poroecus apliculatus (Cleve 1899) from Outpace ST C, CTD 176
Date : 15/09/2015
Affichages : 3829
Epicancella nervosa
Epicancella nervosa from the South Pacific Ocean (Outpace cruise St C, CTD 176, Bottle #20).
Date : 18/09/2015
Affichages : 3893
Climacocylis scalaria
Climacocylis scalaria from the South Pacific Ocean (Outpace Cruise St B, CTD 146, bottle 3.
Date : 24/09/2015
Affichages : 3967
Cyttarocylis ampulla (formerly Petalotricha ampulla)
Cyttarocylis ampulla (ampulla form) from the South Pacific Ocean- Outpace Cruise St B, CTD 146, bottle 3.
Date : 24/09/2015
Affichages : 3815
Xystonellopsis laticincta
Xystonellopsis laticincta from the South Pacific (Outpace St B, CTD 146, bottle #1)
Date : 25/09/2015
Affichages : 3780
Xystonellopsis laticincta
Xystonellopsis laticincta from the South Pacific (Outpace St B, CTD 146, bottle #1). Imaged using a 40x objective, composite of two Z-stacked images.
Date : 26/09/2015
Affichages : 3593
Codonella amphorella
Codonella amphorella from the South Pacific (Outpace St B, CTD 146 bottle 1).
Date : 26/09/2015
Affichages : 4009
Salpingella attenuata
Salpingella attenuata from the South Pacific (Outpace St B, CTD 146, Bottle 1)
Date : 26/09/2015
Affichages : 3915
Xystenellopsis brandti
Xystenellopsis brandti from the South Pacific (Outpace St C, CTD 176, bottle 15)
Date : 26/09/2015
Affichages : 3753
Rhabdonellopsis apophysata
Rhabdonellopsis apophysata from the South Pacific (Outpace St C, CTD 159, bottle 17).
Date : 28/09/2015
Affichages : 3897
Ormosella bresslaui
Ormosella bresslaui (Kofoid & Campbell 1929) from the South Pacific, Outpace St C, CTD 159 Bottle 1.
Date : 03/10/2015
Affichages : 3882
Ormosella haeckeli
Ormosella haeckeli (Kofoid & Campbell 1929) from the South Pacific: Outpace St C, CTD 159, Bottle 1
Date : 03/10/2015
Affichages : 4017
Xystonellopsis dicymatica
Xystonellopsis dicymatica from the South Pacific (Outpace St C, CTD 159, Bottle 6)
Date : 03/10/2015
Affichages : 4008
Dadayiella pachytoecus
Dadayiella pachytoecus (Jörgensen 1924) from the South Pacific (Outpace St B, CTD 146, Bottle 3).
Date : 03/10/2015
Affichages : 3712
Salpingella rotundata
Salpingella rotundata (Kofoid & Campbell 1929) from the South Pacific- Outpace St C, CTD 159, Bottle 6.
Date : 03/10/2015
Affichages : 4266
coxiella form of Xystonella lanceolata
coxiella form of Xystonella lanceolata from the South Pacific (Outpace Cruise St C, CTD 159, Bottle 11)
Date : 03/10/2015
Affichages : 3620
coxiella form of Ascampbelliella armilla
coxiella form of Ascampbelliella armilla from the South Pacific (Outpace Cruise St C, CTD 159, Bottle 11).
Date : 03/10/2015
Affichages : 3757
Amphorellopsis turbinea
Amphorellopsis turbinea (Kofoid & Campbell 1929) from the South Pacific (Outpace Cruise St C, CTD 159 bottle 7).
Date : 03/10/2015
Affichages : 3802
Amphorellopsis sp.
Amphorellopsis sp. from the South Pacific (Outpace Cruise St A)
Date : 12/07/2015
Affichages : 3901
Favella azorica
Favella azorica from the South Pacific (Outpace St B, CTD 128, Bottle 23).
Date : 07/10/2015
Affichages : 3681
Cyttarocylis ampulla (forma eucrycephalus)
Date : 11/10/2015
Affichages : 3675
Cyttarocylis ampulla (cassis form)
Date : 24/10/2015
Affichages : 3987
Dadayiella pachytoecus
Date : 11/10/2015
Affichages : 4286
Xystonellopsis favata from the South Pacific (Outpace St B, CTD 110, bottle1)
Date : 17/10/2015
Affichages : 4176
Daturella stramonium (Kofoid & Campbell 1929)
Daturella stramonium from the South Pacific (Outpace St C, phyto net 23). Oral diameter of about 70 um.
Date : 21/11/2015
Affichages : 4118
Amplectellopsis angularis
Amplectellopsis angularis (Kofoid & Campbell 1929) from the South Pacific (Outpace St C, Phyto net 23)
Date : 21/11/2015
Affichages : 3833
Daturell gaussi
Daturella gaussi from the South Pacific. Outpace St C, phyto net sample 23.
Date : 23/01/2016
Affichages : 3996
Rhabdonellopsis triton
Rhabdonellopsis triton (Zacharias 1906) from the South Pacific: Outpace St C, Phyto Net 23.
Date : 23/01/2016
Affichages : 4437
Xystonellopsis krämeri
Xystonellopsis krämeri (Brandt 1906) from Outpace Cruise Phytoplankton Net 18
Date : 06/09/2019
Affichages : 4903