Parafavella denticulata
Specimen conforming closely to Kofoid & Campbell's illustration (1929) of Parafavella denticulata. From the Sea of Japan Shippo St 01, Images using a 20 x objective and DIC optics
Date : 01/01/2015
Affichages : 3698
Parafavella edentata
Parafavella edentata (morph?)
Date : 15/10/2014
Affichages : 2456
Parafavella hemifusus
Parafavella hemifusus. Morphotype mostly conforms to Meunier's description but it is likely the same species as parumdendata. Specimen from the 2012 cruise of the Araon.
Date : 23/03/2013
Affichages : 2935
Parafavella greenlandica (denticulta)
Date : 09/06/2010
Affichages : 3398
Parafavella parumdentata
Parafavella parumdentata from the Bering Sea in 2009
Date : 02/04/2013
Affichages : 2952
Parafavella parumdentata morphotype
Parafavella parumdentata morphotype from the 2012 cruise of the Araon
Date : 13/10/2014
Affichages : 2498
Parafavella in cell division
Parafavella parumdentata in the process of cell division. The uppermost halve, the protor, will have the parental mouth and swim away to form a new lorica. The lower halve, the opisthe, is still forming its mouth. It will remain, inheriting the lorica.
Date : 23/11/2014
Affichages : 2656
Parafavella media
Probably the 'species' is a morph of Parafavella parumdentata. From the Araon cruise in 2012.
Date : 23/03/2013
Affichages : 2904
Parafavella parumdentata
Date : 09/06/2010
Affichages : 3268
Parafavella elegans (Ostenfeld 1899)
Parafavella elegans. The 'species' is likely a morph of P. denticulata. Specimen from the Canada Basin in 2013, St. 11 of Araon Cruise.
Date : 16/02/2014
Affichages : 2800
Parafavella gigantea
Parafavella gigantea
Date : 10/02/2016
Affichages : 2587
10xparafpoint gigantea
Parafavella gigantea morph
Date : 12/02/2016
Affichages : 2147
Parafavella gigantea morph
Date : 12/02/2016
Affichages : 2230
Parafavella gigantea morph
Date : 12/02/2016
Affichages : 2111
Parafavella gigantea
Date : 01/01/2015
Affichages : 2644
Parafavella gigantea
Parafavella gigantea
Date : 21/11/2014
Affichages : 2642
Parafavella gigantea
Parafavell gigantea (empty lorica) from the Chukchi Sea in 2012.
Date : 29/04/2013
Affichages : 2530
Parafavella ventricosa (Jörgensen 1900)
Parafavella ventricosa morphotype. From the 2012 cruise of the Araon. A composite of 3 Z-stack images made using a 40x objective and DIC optics.
Date : 13/10/2014
Affichages : 2494
Parafavella rotundata
Parafavella rotundata from the Northern Pacific. Z-stack of images made using a 40x objective and DIC optics.
Date : 18/11/2014
Affichages : 2377
Parafavella rotundata
Parafavella rotundata from the 2012 cruise of the Araon.
Date : 13/10/2014
Affichages : 2453
Parafavella subrotundata
Parafavella subrotundata
Date : 13/10/2014
Affichages : 2354
Parafavella subrotundata
From the Bering Sea in 2012, Shippo cruise St 09
Date : 03/01/2015
Affichages : 2176
Parafavella robusta
Corresponds most closely to the morphology of Parafavella robusta. From St 1 of the Shippo Cruise.
Date : 17/10/2014
Affichages : 2397
Mini Parafavella
Parafavella sp. A small form found in samples from the Sea of Japan in 2012.
Date : 06/12/2014
Affichages : 2883
mini Parafavella
The small Parafavella form in the Japan Sea.
Date : 01/01/2015
Affichages : 2509
Parafavella parumdentata 'obtusangula' morph
Date : 11/02/2016
Affichages : 2358
Parafavella parumdentata Morphs in the Arctic summer of 2014
Parafavella parumdentata variabilty. Specimens from the Arctic 2014, most from a single plankton net tow (Station 9 ARA05 cruise).
Date : 21/05/2016
Affichages : 2296
Parafavella gigantea in 2015 St P7
A variety of forms in Parafavella gigantea from a station in the North Pacific (ARA06 st. P7) in 2015
Date : 24/05/2016
Affichages : 2332
Parafavella gigantea in 2015 from a single plankton net tow at station St P1 (ARO06)
Date : 18/05/2017
Affichages : 2197
Parafavella Variabilty - Schulz & Wulff 1929
Parafavella all the same species to Schulz & Wulff. Plate showing morphotypes Wulff ascribed to one species.
Date : 30/05/2013
Affichages : 2768
Parafavella variability
Morphological variabilty in Parafavella found samples from different stations in the Barents Sea was studied by Schulz & Wulff - Wulff drew pictures of each specimen encountered at the different stations. Negative version of plate 13 from Schulz, B.,
Date : 30/05/2013
Affichages : 3168
Parafavella gigantea
Paravella gigantea from the Chukchi Sea in 2017, St. 8B
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 1824
Parafavella elegans
Parafavelle elegans from the Chukchi Sea in 2017, St. 21B
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 1753
Odd Parafavella elegans morphotype (no horn)
Odd Parafavella elegans (no horn) from the Chukchi Sea in 2017, St 21B
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 1721
Parafavella promissa
Parafavella promissa from the Chukchi Sea in 2017, St 8B
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 1669
Parafavella denticulata
Parafavella denticulata from the Chukchi Sea in 2017, St 8B
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 2131
Parafavella denticulata morph (probably)
From the Arctic in 2021- St 3
Date : 10/11/2021
Affichages : 1773