Rhabdonellopsis apophysata
Rhabdonellopsis apophysata from Station 76 (South Atlantic) of the Tara Oceans Expedition
Date : 13/01/2013
Affichages : 2897
Rhabdonellopsis apophysata
Rhabdonellopsis apophysata from the South Pacific (Outpace CTD159, bottle 17).
Date : 28/09/2015
Affichages : 2460
Rhabdonellopsis apophysata
Date : 20/05/2010
Affichages : 3160
Lorica of Rhabdonellopsis longicaulis
Lorica of Rhabdonellopsis longicaulis (Kofoid & Campbell 1929). From a sample taken during the Tara Oceans Expeditionfrom the Mozambique Channel in June 2010.
Date : 23/06/2013
Affichages : 3020
Lorica of Rhabdonellopsis longicaulis
Lorica of Rhabdonellopsis longicaulis (Kofoid & Campbell 1929). From a sample taken during the Tara Oceans Expeditionfrom the Mozambique Channel in June 2010.
Date : 23/06/2013
Affichages : 2855
Rhabdonellopsis longicaulis
Rhabdonellopsis longicaulis from Station 64 of the Tara Oceans Expedition. Z-stack of images made using a 20x objective & DIC optics.
Date : 19/09/2014
Affichages : 2498
Rhabdonellopsis longicaulis
Rhabdonellopsis longicaulis from Tara Oceans station 41 in the Indian Ocean.
Date : 05/06/2015
Affichages : 2651
Rhabdonellopsis triton
Rhabdonellopsis triton (Zacharias 1906) from the South Pacific: Outpace Phyto Net 23.
Date : 23/01/2016
Affichages : 2381