First drawings date back to 1779
First depiction of a tintinnid in 1779 (Müller 1779).Müller, O.F. (1779) Zoologia danica seu animalium Daniae et Norvegiae rariorum ac minus notorum descriptiones et historia 2. Weygandinis, Havniae et Lipsiae.
Date : 25/01/2019
Affichages : 2075
Tintinnid Morphology: Tintinnopsis campanula by Fauré-Fremiet
Date : 25/10/2011
Affichages : 3606
Feeding Currents
Depiction of feeding current in Eutintinnus inquilinus by Fauré-Fremiet.
Date : 26/11/2017
Affichages : 2051
Life history stages of a tintinnid, Eutintinnus inquilinus
Date : 16/01/2012
Affichages : 3060
Plate 30 from Ehrenberg 1838
In Ehrenberg's 1838 catalogue of Infusoria he recognized only two species of tintinnid ciliates.
Date : 25/10/2018
Affichages : 1857
Haeckel 1873!
The plates from the first article devoted to tintinnid ciliates: Haeckel, E. 1873. Ueber einige pelagische Infusorien. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medizin und Naturwissenschaft, 7:561-568.
Date : 06/01/2024
Affichages : 638
Why have a lorica or shell?
Date : 08/09/2011
Affichages : 3432
Dinoflagellate attacking a tintinnid
A heterotrophic Dinoflagellate trying to eat a Tintinnopsis cylindrica.
Date : 25/10/2018
Affichages : 1535
Tintinnids as food for first-feeding herring larvae.
Tintinnids in the food web of herring. From Hardy 1965 "The Open Sea: Its Natural History"
Date : 26/11/2017
Affichages : 2008
Tintinnids in the plankton food web
Date : 17/11/2011
Affichages : 3102
Biodiversity in the Plankton
Biodiversity in the Marine Plankton - Tintinnid ciliates are excellent models to study biodiversity. A single liter of seawater may contain only 25 tintinnids but of 10 different species.
Date : 15/04/2012
Affichages : 3016
Kofoid 1930 plate
Art Deco? Some species have loricas covered with the coccoliths of coccolithophorid algae very precisely arranged.
Date : 15/03/2016
Affichages : 2294