1 & 2— Surirella (?) from Cambridge, Barbados. Fig. 1 possibly a young, less developed, form of fig. 2. The
slide from which the fig. 2 was drawn was returned to Mr. Johnson, and by him sent to Mr. Ralfs, Professor W. C. Williamson saw it when in Mrs. Bury's hands (October, 1860), and kindly suggested it might possibly be a Surirella.
3 & 4—Varieties of Dictyospiris (?) Ehrenberg.
5- Actiniscus (?) of Ehrenberg and Pritchard ; a triangular net, like a Dictyocha, but with a " solid centre," which
centre (or nucleus) gives the idea of being capable of stretching up into a Podooyrtis-like form ; sides of triangle measure .006.5; there are nine outer and six inner cells, arranged round a solid-lobed and punctured nucleus, which bears one long and two short
6- A Desmidia-like, but silicious, clear, transparent plate, with waved edges, and a perforated centre. Appears
to resemble, in some degree, Lithodesmium undulatum, of Ehrenberg's " Kreidebildung," page 76. Dr. Wallich suggested (from sketch) that it might be a part only of some polycystinous form.
7- The upper part like Ehrenberg's Podocyrtis Cothurnata, but with a tubulous prolongation of the base.