1- Stylodictya Gracilis. Ehrenberg-
2- A Dictyospiris (?) of Ehrenberg, highly developed in slide Zjg Cambridge, Barbados.
3- Dictyospiris (?) or perhaps Petalospiris (?) May they not possibly be the same organisms in different states of development ? Ceratospiris, Mikrogeologie, PI.
XXII, fig. 37, also resembles these shapes which occur in great variety in the Barbados deposits.
4- Rhabdolithes Pipa. spiued stem var. Ehrenberg places Rhabdolithes in the family of Geolithen.
5- Stephanolithes Nodosa. ; also a Geolithen of Ehrenberg.
6- Acanthodesmia of J. Miillcr (Mittelmeeres, p. 30) Stephanolithes Spinesoens (?) of Ehrenberg. It occurs in double and single circlets, and with varying number of spines in the Barbados deposits.