Ganges River Tintintinnids
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 5780
Codonellopsis schabi
Codonellopsis schabi from near the mouth of the Ganges River in Jan 2013 (station Ganga)
Date : 20/04/2013
Affichages : 4839
Condonellopsis schabi
Condonellopsis schabi from the mouth of the Ganges River in Jan 2013 (st Ganga).
Date : 20/04/2013
Affichages : 4596
Codonellopsis schabi- probably
Condellopsis schabi - probably. A specimen nearly 'collar-less' found with many normal C. schabi. From the Ganges River mouth in Jan 2013, st Ganga.
Date : 20/04/2013
Affichages : 4758
Codonellopsis schabi
Codonellopsis schabi from the mouth of the Ganges River. St Gangas in Jan 2013.
Date : 20/04/2013
Affichages : 4680
Eutintinnus sp.
Eutintinnus sp. These very small Eutintinnus specimens are from the Ganges River estuary.
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 4960
Helicostomella sp.
Helicostomella sp. from the Ganges River estuary.
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 5037
Leprotintinnus nordqvisti
Leprotintinnus nordqvisti. Sample from Jan 2013.
Date : 16/04/2013
Affichages : 4737
Metacylis sp.
Metacylis sp. from the Ganges River Estuary. The lorica opening appeared to be perhaps closable or contractable.
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 4761
Metacylis mediterranea
Metacylis mediterranea From the Ganges River Estuary. St Ganga Jan 2013.
Date : 20/04/2013
Affichages : 4906
Tintinnopsis acuminata
Tintinnopsis acuminata from a sample taken in Feb 2013 from Station FS2 in the Ganges River estuary. Z-stack image using a 60x objective & DIC optics.
Date : 02/05/2013
Affichages : 4470
Tintinnopsis acuminata
Tintinnopsis acuminate specimens from the Ganges River esuary
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 4656
Tintinnopsis beroidea
Tintinnopsis beroidea. Specimens from the Ganges River estuary.
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 5148
Tintinnopsis cylindrica
Tintinnopsis cylindrica From the Ganges River Estuary in Jan 2013 (st Ganga). The specimen has a lorica oral diameter of 29 microns.
Date : 20/04/2013
Affichages : 4844
Tintinnopsis cylindrica
Tintinnopsis cylindrica. From the Ganges River estuary in Feb 2013.
Date : 14/04/2013
Affichages : 5031
Tintinnopsis karajecensis
Tintinnopsis karajacensis (Brandt 1906). Specimen from the Ganges River estuary.
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 5010
Tintinnopsis minuta
Tintinnopsis minuta specimens from the Ganges River estuary. The specimens were very lightly agglomerated.
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 4644
Tintinnopsis nana
Tintinnopsis nana (Lohmann 1908). Specimens from the Ganges River estuary. Note that only the shape of the end of the lorica (pointed or rounded) seperates T. nana from T. minuta.
Date : 14/04/2013
Affichages : 5119
Tintinnopsis parva
Tintinnopsis parva. Specimen from the Ganges River Estuary
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 4453
Tintinnopsis parvula
Tintinnopsis parvula. Specimens from the Ganges River estuary.
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 4492
Tintinnopsis radix
Tintinnopsis radix FRom the Ganges River, estuarine portion (st ganga) in Jan 2013
Date : 20/04/2013
Affichages : 4812
Tintinnopsis tentaculata
Tintinnopsis tentaculata specimens from the Ganges River estuary.
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 4580
Tintinnopsis turbo
Tintinnopsis turbo specimens from the Ganges River estuary.
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 4785
Tintinnopsis urnula
Tintinnopsis urnula. Sample from from Feb 2013
Date : 14/04/2013
Affichages : 4661
Tintinnopsis urnula
Tintinnopsis urnula From the Ganges River Estuary. Station Ganga Jan 2013.
Date : 20/04/2013
Affichages : 4615
Tintinnopsis rotundata
Date : 20/04/2013
Affichages : 4505
Wangiella dicollaria
Speciemen from the Ganges River Estuary in Jan. 2013.
Date : 16/04/2013
Affichages : 4822
Pediastrum simplex
Pediastrum simplex, a desmid algae - not at all a tintinnid but a nice looking phytoplankter.
Date : 08/04/2013
Affichages : 5501