Chukchi Sea Microplankton
Images of the Microplankton found in the Chukchi Sea in the Arctic
Date : 29/06/2013
Affichages : 12395
Arctic Micro Battle
Date : 30/01/2013
Affichages : 7461
Acanthostomella norvegica
Acanthostomella norvegica from the Chukchi Sea
Date : 13/01/2013
Affichages : 7397
Acanthostomella norvegica
Acanthostomella norvegica from the Chukchio Sea
Date : 13/01/2013
Affichages : 7249
Acanthostomella novegica
Acanthostomela norvegica from the Chukchi Sea
Date : 03/02/2013
Affichages : 7449
Acanthostomella norvegica
Acanthostomella norvegica from the Chukchi Sea in August 2012.
Date : 18/03/2013
Affichages : 7515
Acanthostomella norvegica
Acanthostomella norvegica from the Chukchi Sea in 2012, station 14 of the Araoan Cruise 3
Date : 19/03/2013
Affichages : 7677
Arctic Sex
Arctic Sex - Conjugation in Acanthostomella norvegica. Sample from the Arctic Sea in August 2012.
Date : 21/03/2013
Affichages : 7073
Arctic Sex
Arctic Sex a pair of conjugating Acanthostomella norvegica
Date : 23/03/2013
Affichages : 6950
Acanthostomella norvegica 'coxliella form'
Coxliella form of Acanthostomella norvegica
Date : 21/03/2013
Affichages : 6804
Amphorides laackmanni found in the high arctic
From a sample taken at 80°N (ARA12B St 42) in 2021.
Date : 13/10/2021
Affichages : 5080
Ascampbelliella tortulata
Ascampbeliiella tortulata first record in Arctic Ocean from Station 23 in 2022
Date : 15/11/2022
Affichages : 3273
Bursaopsis punctostriata
Bursaopsis punctostriata
Date : 23/03/2013
Affichages : 7401
Helicostomella subulata
Helicostomella subulata from the Chukchi Sea (Arctic) in 2014.
Date : 05/05/2016
Affichages : 6777
Leprotintinnus pellucidus
Leprotintinnus pellucidus
Date : 25/03/2013
Affichages : 17353
Leprotintinnus pellucidus
Leprotintinnus pellucidus
Date : 25/03/2013
Affichages : 15218
Leprotintinnus pellucidus
Date : 25/03/2013
Affichages : 15522
cyst of Leprotintinnus pellucidus
Cyst of Leprotintinnus from a Chukchi Sea sample
Date : 29/04/2013
Affichages : 7805
Bursaopsis vitrea
Arctic Tintinnid
Date : 10/05/2013
Affichages : 16837
Metacylis vitreoides
Metacylis vitreoides from the Chukchi Sea in 2014.
Date : 06/05/2016
Affichages : 6615
Metacylis sp 80LL 50LOD st1 ARA12B
An undescribed Metacylis species from the arctic in 2021 (Station 1 of ARA12B).
Date : 28/10/2021
Affichages : 4337
Parafavella cf. media
Parafavella parumdentata from the Araon cruise in 2012.
Date : 23/03/2013
Affichages : 7256
Parafavella hemifusus . Morphotype mostly conforms to Meunier's description but it is likely the same species as parumdendata. Specimen from the 2012 cruise of the Araon.
Date : 23/03/2013
Affichages : 7479
Parafavella gigantea
Parafavell gigantea (empty lorica) from the Chukchi Sea in 2012.
Date : 29/04/2013
Affichages : 7229
Parafavella gigantea
Paravella gigantea from the Chukchi Sea in 2017, St. 8B
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 5488
Parafavella denticulata
Parafavella denticulata from the Chukchi Sea in 2017, St 8B
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 4707
Parafavella elegans
Parafavelle elegans from the Chukchi Sea in 2017, St. 21B
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 4617
Odd Parafavella elegans morphotype (no horn)
Odd Parafavella elegans (no horn) from the Chukchi Sea in 2017, St 21B
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 4398
Parafavella promissa
Parafavella promissa from the Chukchi Sea in 2017, St 8B
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 4639
Pytochocylis obtusa
Pytochocylis obtusa from the Chukchi Sea
Date : 13/01/2013
Affichages : 5505
Ptychocyis obtusa
Ptychocyis obtusa from the Chukchi Sea (Arctic) in August 2015.
Date : 29/04/2016
Affichages : 5196
Ptyochocylis obtusa
Ptyochocylis obtusa from the Chukchi Sea (St 22 of the cruise Araon 003)
Date : 13/01/2013
Affichages : 5732
Ptychocylis obtusa
Ptychocylis obtusa from the Chukchi Sea
Date : 03/02/2013
Affichages : 5365
Ptychocylis obtusa from the Chukchi Sea
Ptychocylis obtusa from the Chukchi Sea (Station 18 of the Araon Cruise 003)
Date : 12/02/2013
Affichages : 5588
Ptychocylis obtusa
Ptychocylis acuta from the Chukchi in 2012, Ara003 cruise St 50. This elongated morphotype was about half the population.
Date : 28/03/2013
Affichages : 6050
Salpingella acuminata from the Arctic
Salpingella acuminata from the Chukchi Sea (Arctic). Sample provided by Eun Jin Yang
Date : 10/01/2013
Affichages : 5664
Salpingella acuminata
Salpingella acuminata from the Chukchi Sea (St 22 of cruise Araon 3)
Date : 13/01/2013
Affichages : 5586
Salpingella acuminata from the Chukchi Sea. Station 2 of the Araon Cruise 003.
Date : 03/02/2013
Affichages : 5376
Arctic Salpingella faurei
Salpingella faurei from the Chukchi Sea (Arctic).
Date : 10/01/2013
Affichages : 5168
Salpingella faurei
From the Chukchi Sea in August 2012 (St 29 of the Ara 003 cruise)
Date : 20/03/2013
Affichages : 5564
Salpingacantha simplex
Salpingacantha simplex from the Chukchi Sea (Arctic) in August 2015.
Date : 29/04/2016
Affichages : 4538
Tintinnopsis subacuta (maybe)
Tintinnopsis subacuta - maybe (lorica not fully formed).
Date : 03/02/2013
Affichages : 5081
Tintinnopsis lata
Tintinnopsis lata (Meunier 1910) From the Chuckchi Sea in 2014.
Date : 09/01/2015
Affichages : 4662
Tintinnopsis rapa
Tintinnopsis rapa from the Canadian Basin (arctic)
Date : 27/04/2013
Affichages : 4642
Tintinnopsis rapa
Tintinnopsis rapa from the Chukchi Sea in 2014
Date : 27/01/2015
Affichages : 4622
Tintinnopsis sinuata (Brandt 1896)
Tintinnopsis sinuata (Brandt 1896) From the Chukchi Sea in Setember 2017.
Date : 22/05/2018
Affichages : 4028
Tintinnopsis vasculum
Tintinnopsis vasculum (Meunier 1919) from the Chukchi Sea in 2016 (ARA07 St 8).
Date : 20/11/2016
Affichages : 4709
Tintinopsis rapa
Tintinnopsis rapa from the Chukchi Sea in 2014
Date : 27/01/2015
Affichages : 4849
Arctic oligotrich ciliate Foissneridium constrictum
Foissneridium constrictum (probably according to Sabine Agatha). Species orginally described as Conocylis constricta by Meunier (inset) from the Kara Sea. Specimens shown from the Chukchi Sea (Arctic). Left panel shows ventral side, right panel the dors
Date : 24/03/2013
Affichages : 5460
Tiny Sea Star: Pentaster of the gymnodinid species Actiniscus pentasterias from the Arctic Chukchi Sea.
Date : 31/01/2013
Affichages : 5508
Arctic Dinophysis norvegica
Arctic Dinophysis
Date : 05/03/2013
Affichages : 5601
Ceratium arcticum 'giving up the ghost'
Ceratium arcticum specimens from the Chukchi Sea.
Date : 12/01/2013
Affichages : 6708
A chain of Peridiniella catenata
From the Arctic in 2017- Lugol's-fixed Perideniella catentata
Date : 04/05/2018
Affichages : 6057
a large diatom 125 um diam. arctic 2022 st 1
Date : 21/11/2022
Affichages : 3319
Arctic Radiolarian
A radiolarian from the Arctic in July. Likely Amphimelissa setosa according to Noritoshi Suzuki. From a sample taken by Eun Jin Yang in 2012.
Date : 09/01/2013
Affichages : 37555
Ominous (in appearance, not its name)
Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes (Bailey) [Nassellaria, Lophophaenidae]. Radiolarian from the Chukchi Sea
Date : 07/02/2013
Affichages : 37319
From Station 22 Chukchi Sea samples
Date : 09/02/2013
Affichages : 37964
From Station 1 Chukchi Sea samples
Date : 09/02/2013
Affichages : 39826
From Station 37- Thorny
Date : 09/02/2013
Affichages : 39343
Amphimelissa setosa (Cleve)
From Station 37 - the most common radiolarian from the Chukchi Sea
Date : 09/02/2013
Affichages : 38535
Amphimelissa setosa (Cleve)
Amphimelissa setosa (Cleve)
Date : 24/03/2013
Affichages : 37180
Amphimelissa setosa
Date : 25/03/2013
Affichages : 34768
Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes
Date : 25/04/2013
Affichages : 7557
Plectacantha oikiskos
Plectacantha oikiskos (Jorgensen 1905) from the Arctic (Chukchi Sea) in 2015.
Date : 29/04/2016
Affichages : 6497
Leptohalysis catella
A benthic foram from the Arctic. Leptohalysis catella (Höglund 1947).
Date : 20/05/2016
Affichages : 5176
Enneaphormis rotula from Arctic Cruise ARA09B 2018, St. 16.
Enneaphormis rotula (Haeckel 1887)
Date : 01/12/2018
Affichages : 6942
Presumptive Ciliate Cyst 'little ball'
Date : 12/11/2021
Affichages : 2908
Ciliate Cyst 'wagon wheel'
Date : 12/11/2021
Affichages : 2971
Presumptive Ciliate Cyst 'ship in a bottle'
Date : 04/11/2021
Affichages : 3020
Presumptive Ciliate Cyst 'prickly football'
Date : 08/11/2021
Affichages : 3026
Presumptive Ciliate Cyst 'leggy droplet'
Date : 12/11/2021
Affichages : 3027
Ciliate Cyst 'fusopsis type'
From Station 72, Cruise ARA12B, July 2021
Date : 15/11/2021
Affichages : 3603
Presumptive Ciliate Cyst 'Fusopsis umbracula'
A ciliate cyst 'Fusopsis umbracula' found in a sample from station 16 in 2022.
Date : 14/11/2022
Affichages : 3249
Presumptive Ciliate Cyst
Date : 18/11/2022
Affichages : 1655
Presumptive Ciliate Cyst
Date : 18/11/2022
Affichages : 3271